University of Pittsburgh
Russian and Soviet Cinema: Bibliography

4. Russo-Soviet Cinema

4.4. Russo-Soviet Cinema: Stalinism, 1930s-1953
  • Albera, François. “Que peut-on appeler cinéma stalinien?” In Le Cinéma “stalinien”: Questions d’histoire. Ed. Natacha Laurent. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires de Mirail, 2003. 19-37.
  • Anderson, Trudy. “Why Stalinist Musicals?” Discourse 17.3 (Spring 1995): 38-48.
  • Arossev, Aleksandr, ed. Soviet Cinema. Moskva: VOKS, 1935.
  • Bagdasarian, B. E. “Obraz vraga v istoricheskikh fil’makh 1930-1940-kh godov.” Otechestvennaia istoriia 6 (December 2003): 31-46.
  • Bagrov. Peter. “Ermler, Stalin, and Animation: On the Film The Peasants (1934).” Trans. Vladimir Padunov. KinoKultura 15 (January 2007).
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  • Boulgakova, Oksana. “Les Beautés et le pouvoir.” In Le Cinéma “stalinien”: Questions d’histoire. Ed. Natacha Laurent. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires de Mirail, 2003. 95-109.
  • Bouvard, Josette. “Le ou les langages du ‘réalisme socialiste’: les problèmes de l’esthétique dans les années 1930.” In Le Cinéma “stalinien”: Questions d’histoire. Ed. Natacha Laurent. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires de Mirail, 2003. 47-55.
  • Bulgakowa, Oksana. “Sovetskie krasavitsy v stalinskom kino.” Sovetskoe bogatstvo: Stat’i o kul’ture, literature i kino. Ed. Marina Balina, Evgenii Dobrenko, and Iurii Murashov. St. Peterburg: Akademicheskii proekt, 2002. 391-411.
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  • Bulgakowa, Oksana, ed. Die ungewöhnlichen Abenteuer des Dr. Mabuse im Lande der Bolschewiki: Das Buch zur Filmreihe “Moskau–Berlin.” Berlin: Freunde der Deutschen Kinemathek, 1995.
  • Christie, Ian. “Canons and Careers: The Director in Soviet Cinema.” Stalinism and Soviet Cinema. Ed. Richard Taylor and Derek Spring. London: Routledge, 1993.
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  • Dashkova, T. Iu. “Liubov’ i byt v kinolentakh 1930 – nachala 1950-kh godov.” Otechestvennaia istoriia 6 (December 2003): 59-67.
  • De Baecque. “Georges Sadoul, les Lettres Françaises et le cinéma stalinien en France.” In Le Cinéma “stalinien”: Questions d’histoire. Ed. Natacha Laurent. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires de Mirail, 2003. 215-225.
  • Deriabin, Aleksandr, ed. Letopis’ rossiiskogo kino: 1930-1945. Moskva: Materik, 2007.
  • Dobrenko, Evgeny. “Creation Myth and Myth Creation in Stalinist Cinema.” Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema 1.3 (2007): 239-264.
  • —. “Late Stalinist Cinema and the Cold War: An Equation Without Unknowns.” Trans. Birgit Beumers. The Modern Language Review 98.4 (October 2003): 929-944.
  • —. “Muzyka vmesto sumbura: Narodnost’ kak problema muzykal’noi kinokomedii stalinskoi epokhi.” Revue des Études slaves 67.2-3 (1995): 407-433.
  • —. “Ordena, oni zhe liudi, ili istoriia s biografiei.” Kinovedcheskie zapiski 74 (2005): 18-56.
  • —. “The Russia We Acquired: Russian Classics, the Stalinist Cinema, and the Past from the Revolutionary Perspective.” Trans. Liv Bliss. Russian Studies in Literature 37.4 (Fall 2001): 61-91.
  • –. Stalinist Cinema and the Production of History. Trans. Sarah Young. New Haven: Yale UP, 2008.
  • Drobaschenko, Sergej and Manfred Hagen. Sowjetisch Filmpropaganda zur Westexpansion der UdSSR, 1939-1940: Ausgewählte Berichte der Staatswochenschau “Sojuskinoschurnal”. Göttingen: Institut den Wissenschaftlichen Film, 1999.
  • Dzhulai, Liudmila. Dokumental’nyi illiuzion: Otechestvennyi kinodokumental’izm–opyty sotsial’nogo tvorchestva. Moskva: Materik, 2001.
  • Gauthier, Christophe. “Une ténébreuse affaire: Abel Gance distributeur du cinéma soviétique (1931-1932).” In Le Cinéma “stalinien”: Questions d’histoire. Ed. Natacha Laurent. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires de Mirail, 2003. 201-213.
  • Graffy, Julian. “Urban Legends: Ten Cities that Shook Cinema.” Sight & Sound June 2000: 26-29.
  • Günther, Hans. “Wise Father Stalin and His Family in Soviet Cinema.” Socialist Realism Without Shores. Ed. Thomas Lahusen and Evgeny Dobrenko. Durham: Duke University Press, 1997.
  • Gurevich, Stella. Leningradskoe kinovedenie: Zubovskii osobniak, 1925-1936 (Istoriko-kriticheskii ocherk). Sankt Peterburg: Rossiiskii Institut Istorii Iskusstv, 1998.
  • Haynes, John. New Soviet Man: Gender and Masculinity in Stalinist Soviet Cinema. Manchester: Manchester UP, 2003.
  • Heller, Leonid. “Cinéma à lire. Observations sur l’usage du ‘scénario littéraire’ à l’époque de Jdanov.” In Le Cinéma “stalinien”: Questions d’histoire. Ed. Natacha Laurent. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires de Mirail, 2003. 57-70.
  • Hicks, Jeremy. “Lost in Translation?: Early Soviet Sound Film Abroad.” In Russia and its Other(s) on Film: Screening Intercultural Dialogue . Ed. Stephen Hutchings. NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. 113-129.
  • Hoberman, J. “A Face to the Shtetl: Soviet Yiddish Cinema, 1924-36.” Inside the Film Factory: New Approaches to Russian and Soviet Cinema. Ed. Richard Taylor and Ian Christie. London: Routledge, 1991.
  • Iakovleva, Natalia. “À propos de l’image de la France dans quelques films soviétiques (1929-1956).” In Le Cinéma “stalinien”: Questions d’histoire. Ed. Natacha Laurent. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires de Mirail, 2003. 193-199.
  • Iurenev, Rostislav. Sovetskoe kinoiskusstvo tridtsatykh godov. Moskva: VGIK, 1997.
  • Kaganovsky, Lilya. How the Soviet Man was Unmade: Cultural Fantasy and Male Subjectivity under Stalin. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 2008.
  • Kenez, Peter. “Black and White: The War on Film.” Culture and Entertainment in Wartime Russia. Ed. Richard Stites. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1995.
  • –. Cinema and Soviet Society, 1917-1953. NY: Cambridge UP, 1992.
  • –. “Films of the Second World War.” The Red Screen: Politics, Society, Art in Soviet Cinema. Ed. Anna Lawton. London: Routledge, 1992.
  • –. “Jewish Themes in Stalinist Films.” Journal of Popular Culture 31.4 (Spring 1998): 159-169.
  • –. “The Picture of the Enemy in Stalinist Films.” In Insiders and Outsiders in Russian Cinema. Ed. Stephen M. Norris and Zara M. Torlone. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2008. 96-112.
  • –. “Soviet Cinema in the Age of Stalin.” Stalinism and Soviet Cinema. Ed. Richard Taylor and Derek Spring. London: Routledge, 1993.
  • –. “Soviet Cinema Under Stalin.” The Oxford History of World Cinema. Ed. Geoffrey Nowell-Smith. NY: Oxford UP, 1996.
  • Kepley, Vance Jr. “Building a National Cinema: Soviet Film Education, 1918-1934.” WideAngle 9.3 (1987): 4-20.
  • –. “The First ‘Perestroika’: Soviet Cinema under the First Five-Year Plan.” Cinema Journal 35.4 (Summer 1996): 31-53.
  • –. “The Workers’ International Relief and the Cinema of the Left, 1921-1935.” Cinema Journal 23.1 (Fall 1983): 7-23.
  • Kherroubi, Aïcha and Valérie Posener. Le Studio Mejrabpom: ou l’aventure du cinéma privé au pays des bolcheviks. Les Dossiers du musée d’Orsay 59. Paris: Réunion des Musées Nationaux, 1996.
  • Khokhlova, Ekaterina. “Forbidden Films of the 1930s.” Stalinism and Soviet Cinema. Ed. Richard Taylor and Derek Spring. London: Routledge, 1993.
  • –. “La salle de cinéma en Union soviétique dans les années 1930.” In Le Cinéma “stalinien”: Questions d’histoire. Ed. Natacha Laurent. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires de Mirail, 2003. 39-45.
  • Khrenov, Andrei. “Power and Technology as the Political-Aesthetic Project: Towards the Similarity of the Russian Avant-Garde of the Twenties and Stalinist Cinema.” The Harriman Review 12.4 (November 2000): 20-24.
  • Kozlov, Leonid. “The Artist and the Shadow of Ivan.” Stalinism and Soviet Cinema. Ed. Richard Taylor and Derek Spring. London: Routledge, 1993.
  • Lahusen, Thomas. “Ot nesinkhronizirovannogo smekha k post-sinkhronizovannoi komedii, ili Kak stalinskii miuzikl dognal i peregnal Gollivud.” Sovetskoe bogatstvo: Stat’i o kul’ture, literature i kino. Ed. Marina Balina, Evgenii Dobrenko, and Iurii Murashov. St. Peterburg: Akademicheskii proekt, 2002. 342-357.
  • Latyshev, A. “Stalin i kino.” Surovaia drama naroda. Ed. Iu. P. Senokozov. Moscow: Politizdat, 1989. 489-507.
  • Laurent, Natacha. “Le Conseil artistique du ministère du Cinéma (1944-1947).” In Le Cinéma “stalinien”: Questions d’histoire. Ed. Natacha Laurent. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires de Mirail, 2003. 71-80.
  • Laurent, Natacha, ed. Le Cinéma “stalinien”: Questions d’histoire. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires de Mirail, 2003.
  • Lawton, Anna. “The Ghost That Does Return: Exorcising Stalin.” Stalinism and Soviet Cinema. Ed. Richard Taylor and Derek Spring. London: Routledge, 1993.
  • Liebman, Stuart. “Once Upon a Time in the Soviet Union.” Cineaste 24.1 (1998): 76-80.
  • Liehm, Mira and Antonin J. The Most Important Art: Soviet and East European Film After 1945. Berkeley: U of CA P, 1977.
  • Listov, Viktor and Elena Khokhlova, compl. Istoriia otechestvennogo kino: Dokumenty, memuray, pis’ma. vyp. 1. Moskva: Materik, 1996.
  • Maksimenkov, L.V., et al, comp. Kremlevskii kinoteatr, 1928-1953. Kul’tura i vlast’ ot Stalina do Gorbacheva. Moskva: “Rossiiskaia politicheskaia entsyklopediia” (ROSSPEN), 2005.
  • Mal’kova, Liliana. Sovremennost’ kak istoriia: Realizatsiia mifa v dokumental’nom kino. Moskva: Materik, 2002.
  • Mamatova, Lidiia. Kino: politika i liudi: 30-ye gody. Moskva: Materik, 1995.
  • Mar’iamov, Grigorii. Kremlevskii tsenzor: Stalin smotrit kino. Moskva: Kinotsentr, 1992.
  • Marshall, Herbert. Soviet Cinema. London: Russia Today, 1945.
  • Miller, Jamie. “Educating the Filmmakers: The State Institute of Cinematography in the 1930s.” The Slavonic and East European Review 85.3 (July 2007): 462-490.
  • —. “The purges of Soviet cinema, 1929-38.” Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema 1.1 (2007): 5-26.
  • Murashov, Iurii. “Slepye geroi–slepye zriteli: O statuse zreniia i slova v sovetskom kino.” Sovetskoe bogatstvo: Stat’i o kul’ture, literature i kino. Ed. Marina Balina, Evgenii Dobrenko, and Iurii Murashov. St. Peterburg: Akademicheskii proekt, 2002. 412-426.
  • Nembach, Eberhard. Stalins Filmpolitik: Der Umbau der sowjetischen Filmindustrie 1929 bis 1938. St. Augustin: Gardez! Verlag, 2001.
  • Parfenov, L.A., ed. Zhivye golosa kino: Govoriat vydaiushchiesia mastera otechestvennogo kinoiskusstva (30-e – 40-e gody): Iz neopublikovannogo. Moskva: Belyi bereg, 1999.
  • Pozner, Valérie. “Les actualités soviétiques de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.” In Le Cinéma “stalinien”: Questions d’histoire. Ed. Natacha Laurent. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires de Mirail, 2003. 123-141.
  • Prokhorov, Alexander. “Inherited Discourse: Stalinist Tropes in Thaw Culture.” Diss. U of Pittsburgh, 2002.
  • —. “Soviet Family Melodrama of the 1940s and 1950s: From Wait for Me to The Cranes Are Flying.” Imitations of Life: Two Centuries of Melodrama in Russia. Ed. Louise McReynolds and Joan Neiberger. Durham: Duke UP, 2002: 208-231.
  • Rubailo, A.I. Partiinoe rukovodstvo razvitiem kinoiskusstva, 1928-1937 gg. Moscow: MGU, 1976.
  • Schmulevitch, Éric. Réalisme socialiste et cinéma: Le cinéma stalinien (1928-1941). Paris: Editions L’Harmattan, 1996.
  • Selunskaya, Valeriya and Maria Zezina. “Documentary Film–A Soviet Source for Soviet Historians.” Stalinism and Soviet Cinema. Ed. Richard Taylor and Derek Spring. London: Routledge, 1993.
  • Short, K.R.M. and Richard Taylor. “Soviet Cinema and the International Menace, 1928-1939.” Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 6.2 (1986): 131-159.
  • Solov’ev, Vladimir. Velikie i nepovtorimye: Aktery russkogo sovetskogo kino 30kh-40kh godov. vol. 2. Moskva: Gosfilmofond Rossii, n.d.
  • Spring, Derek. “Soviet newsreel and the Great Patriotic War.” Propaganda, politics and film, 1918-1945. Ed. Nicholas Pronay and D.W. Spring. London: MacMillan P, 1982.
  • —. “Stalinism–The Historical Debate.” Stalinism and Soviet Cinema. Ed. Richard Taylor and Derek Spring. London: Routledge, 1993.
  • Stollery, Martin. Alternative Empires: European Modernist Cinemas and Cultures of Imperialism. Exeter: U of Exeter P, 2000.
  • Taylor, Richard. “But eastward, look, the land is brighter: towards a topographyy of utopia in the Stalinist musical.” 100 Years of European cinema: Entertainment or ideology? Ed. Diana Holmes and Alison Smith. Manchester: Manchester UP, 2000. 11-26.
  • –. “A ‘Cinema for the Millions’: Soviet Socialist Realism and the Problem of Film Comedy.” Journal of Contemporary History 18 (1983): 439-61.
  • –. “La comédie musicale stalinienne: quelques propositions.” In Le Cinéma “stalinien”: Questions d’histoire. Ed. Natacha Laurent. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires de Mirail, 2003. 83-94.
  • –. Film Propaganda: Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany. 2nd rev. ed. London: Taurus, 1998.
  • —. “K topografii utopii v stalinskom miuzikle.” Sovetskoe bogatstvo: Stat’i o kul’ture, literature i kino. Ed. Marina Balina, Evgenii Dobrenko, and Iurii Murashov. St. Peterburg: Akademicheskii proekt, 2002. 358-370.
  • –. “Red Stars, Positive Heroes and Personality Cults.” Stalinism and Soviet Cinema. Ed. Richard Taylor and Derek Spring. London: Routledge, 1993.
  • Taylor, Richard and Ian Christie, eds. The Film Factory: Russian and Soviet Cinema in Documents, 1896-1939. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1988.
  • –, eds. Inside the Film Factory: New Approaches to Russian and Soviet Cinema. London: Routledge, 1991.
  • Taylor, Richard and Derek Spring, eds. Stalinism and Soviet Cinema. London: Routledge, 1993.
  • Tokarev, V. A. “‘Kara! Panam! Kara!’: Pol’skaia tema v predvoennom kino (1939-1941 gody).” Otechestvennaia istoriia 6 (December 2003): 47-79.
  • Turovskaia, Maia. “Mosfil’m–1937.” Sovetskoe bogatstvo: Stat’i o kul’ture, literature i kino. Ed. Marina Balina, Evgenii Dobrenko, and Iurii Murashov. St. Petersburg: Akademicheskii proekt, 2002. 277-294.
  • Turovskaya, Maya. “The 1930s and 1940s: Cinema in Context.” Stalinism and Soviet Cinema. Ed. Richard Taylor and Derek Spring. London: Routledge, 1993.
  • –. “Notes on Women and Film.” Trans. Jonathan Flatley. Discourse 17.3 (Spring 1995): 7-23.
  • –. “Soviet Films of the Cold War.” Stalinism and Soviet Cinema. Ed. Richard Taylor and Derek Spring. London: Routledge, 1993.
  • –. “The Tastes of Soviet Moviegoers During the 1930s.” Late Soviet Culture: From Perestroika to Novostroika. Ed. Thomas Lahusen, with Gene Kuperman. Durham: Duke UP, 1993.
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  • Widdis, Emma. “Borders: The Aesthetic of Conquest in Soviet Cinema of the 1930s.” Journal of European Studies 30.4 (2000): 353-460.
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4.4.1. Socialist Realism
  • Balina, Marina, Evgenii Dobrenko, and Iurii Murashov, eds. Sovetskoe bogatstvo: Stat’i o kul’ture, literature i kino. St. Petersburg: Akademicheskii proekt, 2002.
  • Ermolaev, Herman. Soviet Literary Theories, 1917-1934: The Genesis of Socialist Realism. NY: Octagon, 1977.
  • Günther, Hans and Evgenii Dobrenko, eds. Sotsrealisticheskii kanon. St. Petersburg: Akademicheskii proekt, 2000.
  • Gutkin, Irina. The Cultural Origins of the Socialist Realist Aesthetic, 1890-1934. Studies in Russian Literature and Theory. Evanston: Northwestern UP, 1999.
  • James, C. Vaughan. Soviet Socialist Realism: Origins and Theory. NY: St. Martin’s P, 1973.
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